

» Ozone conversions
» Ozone formation
» Ozone Properties
» Dezynfekcja za pomocą ozonu
» Wyładowania koronowe
» Bakterie Legionella w instalacjach
» Wybrane aspekty mykologii budowlanej
» Ozonoteriapia w stomatologii
» Ozon dobry na wszystko
» Ozon w alergii
» Rozpuszczalność ozonu
» Ozonoterapia
» Lecznicze i terapeutyczne wykorzystanie ozonu
» Ozon i jego wpływ na życie człowieka (plik doc)
» Zastosowanie terapii ozonem do leczenia zakażeń w obrębie narządu ruchu.1 (plik doc)
» Zastosowanie terapii ozonem do leczenia zakażeń w obrębie narządu ruchu.2 (plik doc)
» Leczenie ozonem (plik doc)
» Ozonoterapia (plik doc)
» Perspektywy wykorzystania ozonu (plik doc)
» Zastosowanie ozonu w przemyśle spożywczym (plik pdf)

Ozonation of Water : Selectivity and Rate of Oxidation of Solutes (1979),
J. Hoigne and H. Bader,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 1(1) pp 73-85. 

The Chemistry of Water Treatment Processes involving Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Radiation (1987),
W.H. Glaze, J.W. Kang and D.H. Chapin,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 9 (4) pp 335-352. 

Ozone Generation from Oxygen and Air: Discharge Physics and Reaction Mechanisms (1988),
U. Kogelschatz, B. Eliasson and M. Hirth,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 10 (4) pp 367-378. 

Aqueous Ozonation of Pesticides : a Review (1989),
G. Reynolds, N. Graham, R. Perry and R.G. Rice,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 11 (4) pp 339-382. 

Parameters Affecting the Formation of Bromate Ion During Ozonation (1996),
J.P. Croué, B.K. Koudjonou and B. Legube,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 18 (1) pp 1-18. 

Criteria for the Selection of the Feed Gas for Ozone Generation (1996),
R.J. Horn, J.B. Straughton, P. Dyer-Smith and D.R. Lewis,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 18 (1) pp 57-71. 

Guideline for Measurement of Ozone Concentration in the Process Gas from an Ozone Generator (1996),
K. Rakness, G. Gordon, B. Langlais, W.J. Masschelein, N. Matsumoto, Y. Richard, C.M. Robson, I. Somiya,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 18 (3) pp 209-229. 

Applications of Ozone for Industrial Wastewater Treatment - a Review (1996),
R.G. Rice,
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 18 (6) pp 477-515. 

Comparison of Ozonation Kinetic Data from Film and Danckwerts Theories (1998),
F.J. Beltrán, L.A. Fernández, P. Alvarez and E. Rodriguez
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 20 (5) pp 403-420. 

Ozone : Science & Engineering Special Issue on Quality Assurance in Ozone Practice (1998),
W.J. Masschelein, L. Blaich, B. Langlais, E. Thieben, J. Bell and A. Reading
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 20 (6) pp 433-487. 

Measurement of High Ozone Concentrations in Gases by KI Titration and Monitoring by UV-Absorption (also : on the Design of Iodometric Washing Flasks) (1998),
W.J. Masschelein
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 20 (6) pp 489-493. 

Advanced Treatment for Municipal Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture III - Ozone Disinfection (2000),
L. Liberti, M. Notarnicola and A. Lopez
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 22 (2) pp 151-166. 

Pilot-Scale Ozone Inactivation of Cryptosporidium and other Microorganisms in Natural Water (2000),
J.H. Owens, R.J. Miltner, E.W. Rice, C.H. Johnson, D.R. Dahling, F.W. Schaefer III and H.M. Shukairy
Ozone: Science and Engineering, 22 (5) pp 501-51. 

1. » Ozone Disinfection / Sterilization
2. » Chemical Free & Environmentally friendly Material OzoneA material from the past... with futuristic applications
3. » Ozone oxidation capabilities
4. » Ozone For Cooling Tower Systems - An Update And Lessons Learned At The Kennedy Space Center
5. » Application of Ozone in Cooling Water Systems
6. » Ozone in Food & Agriculture A chemical-free technology
7. » Disinfection
8. » Pool water treatment
9. » The Replacement of Chlorination in the Treatment of Municipal Drinking Water
10. » EPA article on Ozone
11. » Ozone in Poultry, Meat and Fish
12. » Ozone in electronics industry
13. » Ozone in shrimp processing
14. » Ozone in fish hatcheries
15. » Ozone applications - Abstracts
16. » Ozone in hydroponics
17. » Microbiological Aspects of Ozone Applications in Food: A Review
18. » Ozone sterilisation in medical Applications
19. » Ozone in commercial laundries
20. » Laundry effluent ozone treatment
21. » Ozone in municipal water treatment
22. » Advanced technologies in water and wastewater treatment
23. » Advanced Oxidation Process AOP
24. » Food Effluent Treatment Case Study
25. » Aromatic Oxidation